Dear friend,

Writing your book can be a daunting task to even consider, especially if you have never done it before. But know with all certainty, that you are not alone and will not walk the path by yourself. BookCoach has an outstanding team of seasoned experts you can be confident will be with you every step of the way.

The following tips are not exhaustive, but will point you in the right direction so, you can start your journey:

1. Set aside enough time so you are not rushed or look at the clock when you sit to write. Think of it as a time to relax and allow things that are on your heart to find their way on to the paper (or screen). Some people like to write down notes or even content on paper and that is fine, but for the sake of organization and to avoid losing content, it is highly advisable to record everything either on your computer or audio (by recording yourself). This is another smart way to create your content and later have it transcribed.

2. By now you have brainstormed your primary book concept, so, consequently, it would be helpful to write down a page summarizing your main objective. This would include your audience, age group, specific demographic, etc. The question you need answered is “WHO I AM I TRYING TO REACH WITH MY MESSAGE.” This will determine many things throughout the project, especially as you polish the content later on.

3. Create a simple OUTLINE of how you would like the content to flow. DON’T WORRY, this will change later on, but it will help you to get used to “gathering your thoughts.” This can be revised later on, but having it all down in a digital format will allow you to adjust and adapt to the direction of the content as the book takes shape and you add to it later.

4. Keep track of your quotes from other sources. If you pull a quote(s) from a book, the web, a news article, etc. that’s the time to record it on your writing, don’t leave this for later. The reason is that later, you might not recall the source after hours and days of being immersed in writing the book. This is just a good habit that will save time later on.

5. On Google, or other search engines, you will be able to research many topics, gather data, and find quotes to help enrich your content for the reader. Just remember to record your source and keep track of these! An important key to not forgetting is writing down your ideas as they come! You have your phone, or keep a notebook and pen with you, so you never miss a thought. Remember, if you don’t write it down, more than likely you won’t remember the next morning.

6. Set aside some time daily (when possible) to focus on the project. This will help you to come back and pick up where you left off! If you let it these intervals stretch too long, it becomes very difficult to pick up the pace. So, keep it consistent — you will thank yourself for doing it.

7. Commit your book to God; trusting and asking Him for guidance as you write. He will always amaze you with divine downloads and things that you should and should not include in your pages and He will certainly be with you on this journey as you write your book.


Sam Rodriguez