Effective evangelism for the Hispanic world

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina, February 1, 2024 – Argentine evangelist and COMMISIONADOS founder Juan Lucas Roselli and his team have launched their REVIVAL Camp other intensive training programs for Evangelists. These programs were designed to prepare leaders to meet the Great Commission to the Spanish-speaking world and beyond. They enjoyed a stellar start, on January 19, 2024 the third Revival Camp was launched with the participation of Evangelists from Argentina, Chile, Bolivia and Brazil and the effects are already being felt.

The vision has been supported by many international Evangelists and Pastors who are supporting Roselli’s vision to prepare evangelists and be thrown into the harvest fields. By God’s grace, this evangelistic training center in Buenos Aires, Argentina is now an epicenter for a city evangelism movement sweeping Latin America. It is also a symbol of what God can do when leaders unite under the banner of the Great Commission. Some of the most anointed evangelists and leaders in Latin America are coming together around this effort, eager to pass on their knowledge and wisdom to the next generation. “What joy it gives me to know that God is raising evangelists to bring the great commission to this needy world, so we rejoice in what Jesus is doing through the Comisionados ministry, led by our dear friend the evangelist Lucas Roselli by whom we pray to be used with power,” words of the evangelist Carlos Annancondia.”, palabras del Evangelista Carlos Annancondia.

Now this amazing team is looking north with plans to offer a training session in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA in the summer of 2024. This movement will make it even easier for churches across the country to send their future Evangelists to be trained to launder the harvest. The most prominent Leaders are joining forces and have supported Commissioners, both renowned evangelists, pastors, teachers such as Carlos Annacondia, Alberto Mottesi, Héctor Torres, David Greco, Abel Ledezma and many other figures in the Hispanic Christian Church. Equip students for God’s call in their lives – teaching them how to reach the lost, minister to captives and the sick, inspire hope and proclaim the Kingdom. “We are living crucial times and days for the Kingdom of God and it is imperative to educate and prepare this generation of ministers, leaders and evangelists,” said Dr. Hector Torres.

The collective evangelism experience of COMISIONADOS represents strategic reaches in cities, and multitudes of souls were won to Christ through bold preaching and Holy Spirit-inspired ministry. This collection of unprecedented experiences will literally revolutionize the lives of every Evangelist in training programs. Sam Rodriguez, a member of the Advisory Board, who served and established the Spanish ministry of outreach for CfaN (Christ for all Nations) under its founder, Reinhard Bonnke, said: “I believe that all programs offered by Comisionados.org in Buenos Aires will be one of the best training available to prepare evangelists for the Spanish-speaking world. The training and practical experience received during these programs will be a powerful tool to empower the Church, as they send students to prepare those who return as evangelists to fulfill the great commission within the Spanish-speaking world.”

Evangelist Alberto H. Mottesi mentioned,“I support Comisionados with all my heart. This new generation of evangelists will wreak havoc in hell and raise the greatest evangelistic harvest in history” “I support Comisionados with all my heart. This new generation of evangelists will wreak havoc in hell and raise the greatest evangelistic harvest in history”.

On June 13, 14 and 15, 2024, the firstINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE of COMISIONADOS “Fire for a new generation” will take place in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Guest Speakers: Ev. Carlos Annacondia and MCMS Team, Mr. Alberto Mottesi, Mr. Hector Torres, Pr. David Greco, Pr. Jim Raley. Ev. Juan Lucas Roselli among others. This conference will bring together thousands of Pastors and Leaders representing cities, to kindle the fire in their hearts by reaching their cities with the Gospel. Also, we are inviting all those whom God is calling to raise the harvest. It will be a time where the Holy Spirit will build, impart and kindle the fire in thousands of torches that will go to light their cities with the Gospel that has the power of salvation.

To learn more about what God is doing through COMISIONADOSincluding a full list of ministry opportunities, dates and registration – all training programs in Spanish, visit www.comisionados.org


CONTACT: secretaria@comisionados.org

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